Friday, January 20, 2012

A Two-Doctorate Family

Today, our household complement of PhDs doubled, after my wife, Jennifer Bonner, successfully defended her doctoral dissertation, entitled INTESTINAL DRUG ABSORPTION, CYTOCHROME P450 3A-MEDIATED METABOLISM, AND TRANSPORT AFTER SMALL BOWEL TRANSPLANTATION at the University of Pittsburgh.

Words cannot do justice to the toil, tears and sweat that went into this endeavor, but, having watched its seven-year gestation, I can attest to the toll that it has taken. Through it all, my wife has constantly kept in mind that her work is ultimately intended to serve the patients whom she studied and their successors.

I merely write history, my wife (in company with a great crowd of physicians, nurses, pharmacists and other hospital personnel) helps provide the sick with more opportunities to make their own.


Bruce Robison said...

Congratulations, Docs!

Anonymous said...

Most hearty congratulations to Jennifer from your God-daughter, her sister, and her parents.

Well done!!

Elizabeth Peckham

Henry Scriven said...

Many congratulations to you both!